district of international transport we
are working like spedition-agency, and
also have six trucks four trailers
13,60, two sami trailers 6+8, two
little-avia trucks 6m-35 cbm. With this
and lot of others trucks engaged by us,
we are covering whole Europe, ex-YU, and
ex-USSR republics. In frame of our
company we have agreements with 11
Slovenian trucks, 9 Hungarian trucks and
7 Romanian trucks.

of these agreements is very
successful cover transports on relation
mention trucks have TIR, CEMT, CMR
INSURANCE, and all rest permission for
doing international transport. Also we
may offer transports with small avia
truck, which can load about 3 tons and
35-40 cbm goods. Transit time these
trucks is 2 days from Europe to Yu,
because of priority on borders. |